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How To Throw the Ultimate Vape Party

How To Throw the Ultimate Vape Party

Vaping has taken the world by storm as a healthier alternative to cigarettes. While vaping alone is fun, it's even more fun at a vape party. Here's how to throw one

Imagine throwing a party with friends and kicking back and relaxing, but with a twist.

You're getting together to chill, play some tunes, blow smoke, have a contest to create the best smoke rings, and try out lots different flavors with like minded vapers.

Commonly called vape parties, these are popular with people of all ages, as they turn to vaping in lieu of cigarettes. With better flavors and no smoke smell, there's plenty to love about vaping.

Read on and learn how to throw the best party that all your friends will want to come to.

Think About What Room to Host In

Hosting a fun party isn't difficult.

Consider what room you want your party to take place in. Hosting a vape party is similar to having a hookah party, with less confinement, since friends can bring their own mods to smoke from.

Because they have the option to move around freely, you could open up a few spaces. Consider choosing such as:

  • The living room and kitchen
  • Kitchen and dining room
  • Back porch and kitchen

Regardless of where you hold the party, you want everyone to feel welcome and have the ability to go room to room and mingle. This ensures success and helps your guests feel at home. So create a seamless open space for the party with welcoming snacks in each area and as much comfy seating as possible.

Get Together Your Preferred Juices or Ask Friends to Bring Theirs

One of the best parts of vaping is the ability to try different juices out. When hosting a vape party, your friends are likely excited about the prospect of trying or mixing different juices.

This allows them to test flavors they might not otherwise have noticed, and hopefully find a new juice that works for them. When selecting which e-juices to use, get a variety.

Look for juices that take on the flavor of:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Fruit or combinations of one or more fruits
  • Sweets, such as bread or cookies

Depending on the amount of vape juice you're supplying, ask your friends to bring along their favourite juices, too. Who knows, by the time your party is over, you'll have found a new combination you love.

Communication is vital, it is probably safe to say your budget will not stretch to providing dozens of different e-liquids for you guests so ensure you get a firm commitment from your guests who are bringing the juice. Ideally you should collect the juices prior to the party so you can see if there will be any shortfall.

Snacks Are Crucial to Success for a Vape Party

Think about what types of juice you'll have at the party, and plan accordingly.

You are the  host so its up to you to ensure your guests are content. Getting the snacks right is as important as getting the entertainment right. If it looks like you skimped on the food people will think you are cheap! Consider providing just a few snacks.

Having snacks keeps the party going longer, ensuring people stay and vape longer. No one wants their guest leaving halfway through just because they need a bite to eat.

You don't have to break the bank to make some sandwiches and put out some crisps and nuts. The key is to have lots of 'nibbles' spread around so that people can reach over and grab a handful of something to munch on. If you have a tight budget you can still present the food well.

Look for options such as from your local budget stores:

  • Crisps, Nuts and Pretzels
  • Sweets such as gums
  • Frozen pizzas and other quick to heat options
  • Cheap and cheerful Party foods such as sausage rolls
  • Ingredients for sandwiches

When your guests are tired of vaping, snacks let them fill up. If the vape juice has nicotine, a snack gives them much-needed food so they don't develop a headache while they're still at your party.

Also make sure you have a couple of vegetarian options.

Pick the Right Drinks

Like food, the right drinks make all the difference in keeping the party going. Just because you're having a vape party doesn't mean you shouldn't offer refreshments.

If the alcohol is going to be flowing then also make sure you have plenty of Water, Coffee and Soft drinks as well so any designated drivers are not left without a beverage.

If this is a party with a tight budget make sure your guest know to bring their own bottle, however having a few bottles of coke and lemonade for mixers as well as plenty of plastic cups is a good idea. Glasses get dropped and smashed too easily so plastic cups and plates saves breakages and minimises the washing up!

    If you have room in the freezer stock up on some ice. Vaping is thirsty work at times and guests will want something if they have a coughing fit, or need a break from vaping. An ice cold refreshment will be appreciated at that point.

    Plan a Few Games

    Once you start a party, keeping it going is important. Although great conversation is important, games are a fun way to ensure hilarity at any vape party.

    A variety of games is helpful when appealing to your guests. Consider games such as:

    • Multiplayer video games
    • Classic group games like Twister
    • Card games for multiple players or a small group of people
    • Team games such as Pictionary

    There are various board games created just for adults that promise a night full of laughs and fun.

    You can plan for one or two games early in the night, and then let people break off into groups for conversation or fun.

    Part of the fun associated with a vape party is smoke-related games. Between you and your guests, see who is the most accomplished vaper:

    • How much smoke they blow
    • If they blow smoke rings and how many
    • Any special tricks they do with their vape

    There's no shortage of ways to have fun. Remember, a vape party doesn't need a traditional schedule the way a regular party would.

    Let everyone do their own thing, gather around for a group activity, and keep the party fresh with something only vapers would enjoy. Your party will be the talk amongst everyone in your vape circle.

    Let Us Help

    Throwing a vape party isn't easy if you've never done one before. Just remember, like any party, it needs good friends, drinks, food, and a little entertainment.

    If you're unsure about which e-juice pairings to make, or how much you'll need for your guests, don't try to figure it all out on your own. Let us help you plan the ideal gathering.

    Contact us, and find the right juices for all your needs. If you're looking for a new pipe, we'll help you with that, too.

    Give us a call, and see how easy it is to organize your own vape gathering!

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